
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.


Budapest. Mumus Bar

The classic "ruin bar" of Budapest: it is located in the derelict building in Jewish quarter, it sports a creative design by young artists, it offers cheap drinks, crazy music and crazy crowd. And surely, there is the outdoor seating in the inner yard, called "kert" in Hungarian. Subculture thrives here.

VII. Dob utca 18

Mon-Sat 15:00-03:00
Sun 16:00-24:00

Places in Budapest
Mumus is great :)

Mumus is fantastic. I've been in Budapest a week short of a year and had never been here until last Saturday. It might be the best ruin pub in Budapest, in my opinion, and it's in a great location too which might be part of the reason!

go, go, go!