
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

Budapest. Sights. Shoes on the Danube Promenade

Shoes on the Pest bank of the Danube is a memorial to the Budapest Jews, the victims of the Arrow Cross militiamen. During World War II the Jews were shot and fell into the river leaving their shoes behind.

How to get there:

The monument is located on the Pest side of the Danube Promenade at the end of Szechenyi utca, not far from the Hungarian Parliament.

Places in Budapest
Red River

Red River

the train was too late
by foot it was too far
the river too nearby
the hatred too strong
bullets through your head
river of blood
red Danube
dead Budapest

© by Jan Theuninck

By Gray Moon Gallery (not verified) on 26 Aug 2010