
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.

Children's Railway

Budapest. Attractions. Children's Railway

Children's Railway (Gyermek Vasút) is called so because it is operated by children. The kids surely do not drive the locomotive, but they check the tickets, make announcements at the stations and solemnly greet the train full of excited travelers. Children's Railway is a narrow-gauge forest railway with the old locomotive and three carriages. The train goes slowly through the woods up and down Buda hills and stops at the highest point of Budapest, János-hegy (526 m).


Tickets are available in the ticket offices at the stations. One-way trip from Széchenyi hegy to Hűvösvölgy costs 600 HUF, 300 HUF for kids.


The Children’s Railway operates all the year round, but from September 1 to April 30 it is closed on Mondays.

How to get by public transport

Cogwheel Railway from II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor, 47 to Széchenyi hegy.