
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.

Other Reasons


1. Document proving other purpose of residence (e.g. certificate of school attendance)

Costs of living:

2. Document proving the costs of living regarding the other reasons (e.g. certificate of bank account, certificate of stipend, declaration of providing accommodation and financial support)

Place of residence in Hungary:

3. Lease contract or declaration of providing accommodation
4. Property page of land register (not older than 3 months)
5. Accommodation registration form


6. 2 photos
7. 5000 HUF official stamp
8. Official medical report from ÁNTSZ (only in case of issuing residence permit)
9. Copy of passport and visa
10. Expired residence permit (upon extending the residence permit)
11. Authorization in writing (if necessary)
12. Excuse for being late (if you missed the 15 days applying deadline)
13. Social security certificate