
This page of Budapest travel guide was archived in 2011-2012. The details mentioned here might have changed. Read our regularly updated Budapest Blog to know what to see, where to eat and what to do in Budapest.

Café Alibi

Budapest. Café Alibi

Café located next to the Law University. They offer about 10 types of breakfast menu till noon, and breakfast all day long, weekly specials, and good milkshakes made of fresh fruit. Cafe ALibi is also known for their home-made pies. Food is quite simple, but prices are reasonable too. Quite big non-smoking zone and young crowd. Note that service is included in the bill.

V. Egyetem tér 4

Tel: 317 4209

Mon - Wed 08:00-21:00
Thurs - Fri 08:00-22:00
Sat 09:00-21:00
Sun 09:00-17:00

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Places in Budapest